Artist Statement

My work explores the physical and metaphorical spaces we inhabit, focussing on how domestic interiors reflect and absorb our emotions, particularly grief and collective loss. I contrast the playful, vibrant colours of my paintings with their intense, hauntological subject matter, utilizing defamiliarisation to create unease. Acrylic paint on canvas and plywood are constructed, layer upon layer, leaving traces of the under painting at the edges of each form. This slippage and revealment embodies the layered experiences, history and meaning inherent in these spaces. The exploration is centred on repeated motifs and recognizable yet distorted architectural features which serve as visual anchors. Initially familiar and comforting, the work ultimately prompts questions about the strange, box-like spaces which form the stage sets for our lives. I aim for an ‘awkward pause’ from my viewer, a liminal space that encourages contemplation and reflection.

Susan Jessop